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Thursday, July 6, 2017

PPSC PAST PAPER Assistant BS-16 Punjab Police Test held on 02-07-2017

Assistant BS-16 Punjab Police Test held on 02-07-2017:
1. Nippon Stock exchange: Jappan
2. Disputed states between India and Pakistan except Kashmir: Junagath
3. Bait ulmamur : 7th heaven
4. Idioms; To take with a grain of salt: to understand something incoorect
5. To talk through one's hat: to speak without knowing the fact
6. To be at loggerheads: To be in conflict
7. Cataclysm: catastrophe
8. Conjecture : Guess
9: France President: Emmaneul Macron
10. Penicillin discovered by: Alexander Fleming
11. Indian ocean and Atlantic ocean met at: cape town
12. Ayat ul Kursi: Surah Bakra
13. Lowest fat milk: skimmer
14. Odd one; 14, 17, 19, 37, 53, 81 Ans: 81
15. Odd one; 5,15,35,43,50,55: Ans: 43
16. 15 heads and 50 legs: 10 Lions 5 parrots
17. Not a organ of UN: ILO
18. EU headquarter: Brussels
19. Baghdad pact 1959 rejected by: Iraq
20. Child organization: UNICEF
21. Liaquat Ali khan assassinated: 1951
22. Sui northern; 1952
23. The first radio station was set at: Karachi
24. SCO last meeting: Astana Kazakhstan
25. Ali sold a product for 180 which is Rs.60 less than purchase price. Percentage of loss: 25
26. 2/8 cake is eaten: 3/4 left
27: Basha Dam: Gilgit Baltistan
28: who divide army after partition:
29: Cast system was introduces by:
30: Who won 2016 t20 worldcup: westerndies
31: Gomal University: DG Khan
32: Minister of finance: Zafar ullah khan
33. Tool use to find similar words: Find/Replace
34: Easy way to create presentation:
35. Partition of bangal annulement: 1911
36. Who died of natural death:
37: kiliminjaro mountain: Africa
38: Gandhara civilization: Taxila
39: WTO headquarter: Generva
40: in short sightedness: concave lena
41: In which surah the name "Ahmed" comes:
42: Al Hadi: Guide
43: 17 August 1988: Zia ul Haq died
44: Largest gulf: Mexico
45: First women crickter with 100 wickets: Sana Mir
46: First country to accept Pakistan: Iran
47: BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
48: Shakespeare's Helmet
49: Most abundant element in earth crust: Silicon
50; Earth quick: 8 Oct 2005
51. FTP: File transfer protocol
52; Father of computer charles Babbage
53. Zakat on gold 7.5 tola and on silver 52.5 tola
54: Car in front is slow.
55. Which is not related to disarmament: NATO
56. Israel is name of Ishaq A.Shttps://www.facebook.com/GeneralknowledgeMcqsPK/
57: Nonchalant: Rellexed
58: Raefal Nadal: Teniss
59: 1 matric tonn: 1000 kg
60. Earth angle: 23.5
61: whoch is not member of opec: uk
62. Fist constitution meeting: 11 August 1947
63: Pakistan become democratic in:
64. Who help in tashkant declaration: USST
65: who was not ruler in ww2: Mussolini
66. Ursu rasala Tahzeeb ul ikhlaq: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
67: economic and social commission of asia pacific headquarter: Bangkok
68. Pakistan greatest export: textile
69. 27 ka 2/9 are rotten. 21 are good apples
70. (2 square)3 = 64
71. 3.28 × 1000= 3280
72. She got ill ...... fiver.
73. I got angry ..... their behavior.
74. The Myth of freetom Z.A. Bhutto
75. Fourth state : Preaa
76. Truth is stranger to fiction
77. Survival of fittest: charlis darwin
78. Shah Jahan build: Shalimar
79. He had a flue with a ,,,......... and ........
80. Spelling mistake: Auto correct
81. Rann of kutch: Tharparkar
82. Economy. Extravagance
83. Year of Sorrow . 10th Nabvi
85. .فتح کا مترادف: ظفر
86. رئیس الاحرار: حسرت موہانی
87. نہ نو من تیل ہوگا نہ رادھا ناچے گی
۔88. تزکِ بابری: آپ بیتی
89. ناراضگی
90. بیڑا اٰٹھانا: مشکل کام کو سر انجام دینا۔
91. علامہ اقبال کی مشہور نظم: طلوع اسلام
92. بچوں کے شاعر: اسماعیل میرٹھی
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